Yes, T2: Judgment Day is the better film, but for my money, the first Terminator is the more interesting movie.
The question as to which of the first two Terminator films may never have a definitive answer, but we tried to sort it out as best we could.
Although Terminator: Dark Fate is a direct sequel to Terminator 2: Judgment Day, it missed an opportunity to carry over T2's obvious sequel set up.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day is one of the greatest action movies ever made, but it totally ruined Terminator as a film franchise.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day has some of the best action scenes in the genre, and one of them was accidentally foreshadowed in the first film.
John Connor's future wife Kate Brewster could have been in Terminator 2 all along. We look at the possibility of Kate being retconned as part of T2.
Judgment Day was a great movie. But some things haven't aged all that well.
Here's every day and date that Judgement Day has happened in the Terminator franchise, and there's certainly more than one specific day.
Edward Furlong is returning to play John Connor in Terminator: Dark Fate. While he has battled personal demons, here's what Furlong has done since T2.