A Banquet

A Banquet is a 2021 British horror film directed by Ruth Paxton and written by Justin Bull. The film stars Sienna Guillory as widowed mother Holly, whose husband, the father of her daughters Betsey (Jessica Alexander) and Isabelle (Ruby Stokes), died by suicide. One night, Betsey has what she believes to be a supernatural experience, that results in her refusing to eat.

MPAA Rating:NR
Country:United Kingdom
Directed By:Ruth Paxton
Written By:Justin Bull
Cast:Richard Keep, Hannah Zoé Ankrah, Suzie Voce, Finn Bennett, Walter Van Dyk, Kevin Marshall, Sienna Guillory, Selena Thompson, Adam Abbou, Dylan Clout, Lindsay Duncan, Andrew Steele, Rina Mahoney, Kaine Zajaz, Ruby Stokes, Deka Walmsley, Jessica Hoare, Jonathan Nyati
In Theaters:Feb 18, 2022
Runtime:1 hour 37 minutes
Production:Tea Shop Productions, Riverstone Pictures, Reliance Entertainment Productions 8
Box Office:$5,238
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Vudu
Read More On:Wikipedia