Amira & Sam

The film is set in New York City in 2008, prior to the Great Recession.[2] Sam Seneca, a soldier who had served in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, meets Amira Jafari when he visits her uncle, Bassam Jafari, who had served as Sam's Iraqi translator. Bassam and Sam have a special bond due to their time together in the war. Initially Amira does not trust him because he was an American soldier and her brother was killed by a bomb from American troops in the war. After getting fired from his job as a security guard for punishing a group of rude people, Sam's cousin, Charlie Seneca, asks Sam to help him with illegal hedge funds unbeknownst to Sam at the time. Amira is staying with her uncle Bassam since her father died. She sells bootlegged films on the street corner but is forced to flee after getting busted. Bassam calls Sam to inform him of what happened with Amira and asks him to let Amira stay with him. Sam agrees and goes to Amira and Bassam's apartment to get Amira. Amira tells Sam that she cannot go back to Iraq because it became too dangerous for her after her family started helping American soldiers and Bassam tried to claim her as a dependent but they had trouble with the courts so if Amira was arrested she would be deported to Iraq as an illegal immigrant. Although reluctant at first Amira eventually agrees to go and stay with Sam. Sam and Amira begin spending time together with both learning to enjoy the company of the other and slowly beginning to fall in love.