Being a teacher or principal in a movie means you're either an angel or the absolute worst. Here are the best examples of the most useless educators.
Badass heroes and heroines need badass weapons. It's as simple as that. The best ones make a movie better. The worst ones often open up plotholes
With a new installment for the John Wick movie franchise set to release in 2021, fans are wondering what new dog breeds could appear to kick butt.
Kyle Katarn is back thanks to a rerelease of Jedi Outcast. But, sadly, he doesn't have a place in Disney's ongoing Star Wars canon.
Oh, Harry Potter. A magical world full of wonderful spells, creatures, and magical items. But is every item as useful as any other? What about the spells? While there are surely some that are useful beyond measure, there are also some that we have to question.
Although he started off as S.H.I.E.L.D.’s mysterious and talented archer in Thor, Hawkeye quickly became a laughing stock among the MCU fan base after The Avengers. In a team that includes a Norse god, a super soldier, and a gamma ray-powered monster, what use is a guy with nothing but a bow and arrow?
With classic World of Warcraft only a few months away, a lot of information about the old game that was lost or forgotten is appearing again. This was the genesis of Azeroth, and programmers and writers were still ironing out the kinks. A few items appeared that were fun to use and looked cool but offered almost no improvement to your character. Remember when Shaman gear would drop in an Alliance raid or Paladin gear for Horde? Spirit stats for Warlocks? All those fun memories will come flooding back with this list of neat but useless stuff in classic World of Warcraft.
Whether you’re a comic book fanatic or not, you’re probably at least relatively well versed in all things Marvel now. Over the last decade, the MCU has risen to become an unassailable juggernaut of the movie world.
Fallout 4 is a weird game in general and feels "not quite at home" in the long-running franchise. There’s plenty to like about the title and there are plenty of fun and interesting moments, but the game isn’t quite as cohesive as the previous Fallout games. Moreover, the cracks in Fallout 4 are the same that destroyed the foundation of Fallout 76 and made it a fundamentally broken experience. Fallout 4 might have the series’ classic look and is far more approachable to newcomers to the series, but its story and themes just don’t have the same punch as the original titles or Fallout: New Vegas.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the biggest mega franchises that has ever existed. Before The Avengers, no one knew that a shared movie universe could have such incredible mainstream success. The franchise(s) have mined the Marvel comics universe to create a huge mythos of its own. It features tons of alien races, evil organizations, and fun comic book physics. The universe also has more than its fair share of cool weapons.