The previous trailer for Escape from Pretoria trapped viewers within the prison alongside star Daniel Radcliffe as he attempted to make the titular escape. What it didn't do, however, was explain just how and why Radcliffe's character ended up in prison to begin with and what it was that drove his obsession with escape. The marketing relied on the audience knowing the true story of Tim Jenkin (Radcliffe), an African National Congress activist incarcerated in a maximum security prison in the 1970s during the height of Apartheid. One particular viewer (yours truly) was wholly ignorant of that fact, …
Daniel Radcliffe continues to distance himself from his Harry Potter reputation. And the more projects he does like Escape from Pretoria, the more we’ll forget that Radcliffe the adult once wielded a wand at Hogwarts as a child. The trailer was released today for the film, an intense prison break thriller based on the true story of Tim Jenkin, whom Radcliffe portrays. Jenkin was an African National Congress activist incarcerated in a maximum security prison in the 1970s during the height of Apartheid. In fact, it was forty years ago today that Jenkin did something quite significant (not to …