Men & Chicken

Two "brothers" (Gabriel and Elias) are informed after their father's death that they both are adopted half-brothers. They discover that their biological father is Evelio Thanatos, a geneticist specialised in stem cell research. To learn about their mother and to meet their biological father, the brothers choose to visit the "Island of Ork" where they find out that they have three other half-brothers (Franz, Josef and Gregor). Both Gabriel and Elias are welcomed with a beating. One of the brothers uses the body of a dead mute swan to hit Gabriel. All five half-brothers have hare-lips and unattractive facial features or deformities, although Gabriel States that he had four corrective surgeries. Two of the other brothers' mothers died in childbirth, as did Gabriel's and he is suspicious of this fact. This motivates him to return after a night in the house of the mayor (he finds them on the road at night).