Few movies have been as hotly debated, quantified and stressed as Christopher Nolan’s Tenet, a movie that became a flashpoint before anybody ever saw it even knew what it was about (time travel, er, inversion?) Poised to be one of the big summer event movies of 2020, even as the landscape, both cultural and otherwise, it was an immovable object even as it became clear that the coronavirus pandemic would dramatically change everything, leading to the first summer ever where new releases came exclusively via streaming services or paid video-on-demand. Even Disney, whose Mulan was pushed back …
Few movies have been as hotly debated, quantified and stressed as Christopher Nolan’s Tenet, a movie that became a flashpoint before anybody ever saw it even knew what it was about (time travel, er, inversion?) Poised to be one of the big summer event movies of 2020, even as the landscape, both cultural and otherwise, it was an immovable object even as it became clear that the coronavirus pandemic would dramatically change everything, leading to the first summer ever where new releases came exclusively via streaming services or paid video-on-demand. Even Disney, whose Mulan was pushed back …