The Colour Room

The Colour Room is a 2021 British biographical drama film directed by Claire McCarthy from a screenplay by Claire Peate. The film stars Phoebe Dynevor (in her feature film debut), Matthew Goode, David Morrissey, Darci Shaw, Kerry Fox and Luke Norris. It is based on the life of 1920s/30s ceramic artist Clarice Cliff.

MPAA Rating:NR
Country:United Kingdom
Directed By:Claire McCarthy
Written By:Claire Peate
Cast:Matthew Goode, David Morrissey, Adrian Rawlins, Tony Pitts, Laura White, Darci Shaw, Safia Oakley-Green, Luke Norris, Bronwyn James, Kerry Fox, Phoebe Dynevor, Heather Forster, Bill Paterson, Oliver Huntingdon, Doreene Blackstock, Rachel Shenton, Anna-Kate Golding, Conrad Nelson
In Theaters:Nov 21, 2021
Runtime:1 hour 48 minutes
Production:Caspian Films., Creative England, Denaire Motion Picture Poetry, Media Finance Capital
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