Anvil: The Story of Anvil

The film begins by listing the headlining acts of the Super Rock festival held in Japan in 1984: Scorpions, Whitesnake, and Bon Jovi, all of whom have gone on to sell millions of records, except one: Anvil. Despite their ambition, the Canadian band was unable to achieve the same level of success. Instead, singer and guitarist Steve "Lips" Kudlow drives trucks for Children's Choice Catering, delivering food to schools and institutions. Drummer Robb Reiner works in construction. But both would rather be playing on stage at the local sports bar to their small but dedicated group of fans, as shown during a show for Steve's 50th birthday party.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Drama, Biography, Music, Documentary
Produced By:Christopher Soos, Lauren Mcclard, Sacha Gervasi, Sean Barney, Rebecca Yeldham, Dana Sano, Rick Krim
Directed By:Sacha Gervasi
Cast:Toby Kudlow, Tom Araya, Malcolm Dome, John Zazula, Robb Reiner, Slash, Averey Kudlow, Lemmy, Ginny Kudlow, Scott Ian, Lars Ulrich, Mad Dog, Gary Greenblatt, Cut Loose, Jane Reiner, Glenn Five, Tyler Reiner, Andrea Reiner, Steve 'Lips' Kudlow, Ivan Hurd
In Theaters:Feb 20, 2009
Runtime:1 hour 20 minutes
Box Office:$667,911
Available On:Amazon, Netflix
Read More On:Wikipedia