A Woman, a Part

A Woman, a Part is a 2016 independent drama film, written and directed by Elisabeth Subrin. The film follows Anna Baskin (Maggie Siff), a successful-yet-exhausted actress who absconds from her television role and returns to reinvent herself in NYC, confronting the past and the people she left behind in the process. Read more on Wikipedia.

MPAA Rating:NR
Country:United States
Produced By:Ahsan Zaman, Meryl Goldsmith, Elisabeth Subrin, Brett Potter, Shrihari Sathe, Taylor Shung, Mike Nichols, Scott Macaulay, Maggie Siff
Directed By:Elisabeth Subrin
Written By:Elisabeth Subrin
Cast:Kameron Omidian, Nick Gifford, Helen Coxe, Shezi Sardar, Tasha Guevara, Cara Seymour, John Ortiz, Sophie Von Haselberg, Ana Kayne, Khandi Alexander, Lucas Near-Verbrugghe, Mia Sanchez, Brad Heberlee, Maggie Siff, Dagmara Dominczyk, Geoff Sobelle, Eszter Balint, Lipica Shah, Carly Zien
In Theaters:Mar 22, 2017
Runtime:1 hour 37 minutes
Production:Durga Entertainment, Infinitum Productions, Speculative Pictures
Box Office:$23,562
Available On:Netflix