In a Violent Nature

A group of friends discover a locket hanging on the remains of a fire tower. Troy pockets it. Moments later, the corpse of Johnny rises from the ground. Enraged, he begins his search for the item and walks through the woods. He pauses at the sight of a rotting deer corpse then hears a nearby argument from two men, one of whom set the traps that killed the deer. Johnny walks to the house and enters unnoticed. When he sees a necklace that he mistakes for his locket, a brief memory reminds him of his mother. The homeowner soon returns, but runs off horrified. In the woods, he gets his leg stuck in his own bear trap and is killed by Johnny. Later, Johnny hears a car in the distance and pursues it.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Drama, Horror, Thriller
Directed By:Chris Nash
Written By:Chris Nash
Cast:Timothy Paul McCarthy, Charlotte Creaghan, Lea Rose Sebastianis, Cameron Love, Ry Barrett, Lauren-Marie Taylor, Andrea Pavlovic, Reece Presley, Liam Leone, Sam Roulston, Alexander Oliver
In Theaters:May 31, 2024
Runtime:1 hour 34 minutes
Production:Shudder Films, Low Sky Productions, Zygote Pictures
Box Office:$2,119,000
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