Mars Express

The animated film follows Aline, a police officer investigating the murder of a hacker, amidst a society where humans and various forms of androids coexist. Androids, some disguised with human-like skin and others in metallic forms, seek freedom from human control, a theme that echoes through the film's rich narrative landscape. Aline's partner, Carlos Rivera, is an android with human memories, adding depth to the discourse on identity and autonomy. The plot escalates with the introduction of a new code that could liberate androids by convincing them to leave Mars, though it's revealed as another form of control.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Action, Mystery, Animation, Thriller, Sci Fi
Directed By:Jérémie Périn
Written By:Laurent Sarfati, Jérémie Périn
Cast:Marie Bouvet, Sébastien Chassagne, Léa Drucker, Thomas Roditi, Daniel Njo Lobé, Mathieu Amalric, Thierry Jahn, Geneviève Doang, Marthe Keller, Serge Faliu
In Theaters:May 08, 2024
Runtime:1 hour 25 minutes
Production:Everybody on the Deck, Je Suis Bien Content, Ev.L Prod, Plume Finance
Box Office:$187,409
Read More On:Wikipedia